I've been spending a lot of time on the range lately with my favorite .357s. I won't go on about how I grew up counting down the time until I could own my first revolver or about the legendary stopping power of the round. I'll just show you my 3 favorites. If you can't tell by the pictures, I am a fan of nickel or stainless wheelguns, Hogue grips, Smith&Wesson, and the .357.
S&W 19-5
This is the newest addition to my safe. Once I saw the shiny nickel finish, I knew I had to own it. Yes, I know it's not the coveted pinned and recessed Model 19, but it's still my Combat Magnum (of sorts). It's deadly accurate for a snubby and handles as well as some L-frames I have.
S&W Model 65-5
Something about this gun always screams "I am a weapon only for the serious." The 65s were carried by many such men before the wondernine and polymer revolutions. It's a gun that I still carry on occasion. The finish has seen better days and it does require more frequent checks than some other guns in the safe, but that extra time is more than worth spending on a gun that handles as this one does.
S&W 640-3
I raved about this gun before, but I couldn't let this post go by without including it. It is the holy grail of deep-concealment and backup guns. Plus, it matches.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Taurus 431 update
I can't believe I forgot to blog about this... About 300 rounds into the break-in, my BAG day .44spl decided to develop some serious lockwork demons. As we speak, it's on its way back to the factory to be looked over and, most likely, rebuilt. I had read the horror stories about the Taurus wheelguns, but had no problems with any of the dozen or so that I owned until now.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Everything I've written about carry systems over the last couple of months looks like tripe. No matter how much training I might have taken, there are still scores of people better suited to this than I am. I will now resume my blogging and leave the instruction to the instructors.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Carry Systems-The defensive 1911 in .45acp
Before I start, there are metric tons of gun bloggers that carry 1911s and shoot them in competition. They're probably better versed in them than I am. Having said that, I've never let my ineptitude stop me from talking before, so why start now?
Stopping Power
Legendary and well-deserved. 230 grain FMJs or LRNs work wonders against heavily-clothed goblins. 185gr+p JHPs are nothing to scoff at, either.
Once you find a load and a magazine that your particular 1911 likes, you'll be fine as long as you keep the gun clean and well-lubed. I'd suggest that you number all of your magazines with a paint pen and take notes about any failures that you have during practice or training. Magazines will make or break your 1911. Don't be cheap, hopeful, lax in maintenance, or sentimental about them.
Ease and flexibility of use
They take a little more getting used to than, say, a Glock or a snubbie, but you'll usually be rewarded with a very accurate and hard-hitting defensive handgun. Reloads with them are a breeze with a little practice and a slightly beveled magwell. They tend to be less flexible than snubbies, however. Speaking of....
Size, weight, and concealibility
Full-size 1911s are long and heavy. They're thin enough to make them kind of comfortable when carying inside the waistband, but many small and thin-framed people will have a hard time concealing one. You'll also know for sure that you've been carrying all day if you've had a 1911 on your hip. For the most part, 1911s are best carried in traditional hip holsters, shoulder holsters, or a SmartCarry. My preferred rig is a Galco Summer Comfort IWB holster worn underneath a sweater, jacket, or open shirt.
Accuracy and trigger pull
I touched on this earlier, but a good 1911 is an amazingly accurate gun. Even the worst modern factory triggers are pretty good. Most loads are what I would describe as moderate in recoil, which will allow you to make better and faster follow-up shots.
The 1911 is one of the most easily and most often customized handgun platform in existence. Sights, grips, barrels, slides, hammers, safeties, guide rods, triggers... you name it, it can probably be changed to something that suits you.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Carry systems-The defensive revolver
Let me start by saying that I only carry two types of primary guns: DA revolvers and 1911s. Ever since I saw Yosemite Sam dual-wielding wheelguns on tv, I had a fascination with them. As such, the first handguns I bought were revolvers. I trained with them and shot them endlessly. The modern DA revolver is a marvel to me. Below, you'll find my thoughts on it as a carry gun.
Ammo Flexibility
All of my main carry revolvers have been chambered in either .38spl or .357. For training and pure marksmanship practice, an all-stainless .357 shooting some light .38s is a pleasant experience. For defensive work, the .357mag is a pretty potent cartridge. Unlike some semiautos, most revolvers will fire just about anything you can cram in the cylinder. With a snubbie like the S+W 640 that I love carrying, I rarely feel like I'm ill prepared to defend myself. In addition, having two calibers of ammo for my carry gun on the shelves these days does make me feel a little better given the current state of the ammo market.
J-frames conceal easily. Not just in a strong-side belt holster, either. I've carried S+W, Taurus, and Ruger wheelguns in belly bands, ankle holsters, a variety of pockets, and a SmartCarry. I've even carried K and L frame Smiths with very little trouble. I would suggest that hammerless DAO or bob-hammered DA revolvers without the target-style rear sights be used for carrying.
A well cared for and well made revolver should last you a lifetime and give you very few problems. I have the utmost faith in all of the wheelguns I carry. They aren't susceptible to limp wristing or failing to return to battery when jammed up against something and fired. I would like to add that, if you have a Smith or Taurus with one of those awful integral locks, you should seriously consider disabling it permanently. Yes, I know the chances of its failing are small, but so is the chance that you will have to engage multiple targets in a low-light environment. We're pretty much all prepared for that, right?
Ease and flexibility of use
We all know how simple the manual of arms is. What I'd also like to add is that they are pretty versatile. One gun can easily serve as your primary carry during the summer when concealing is difficult and as your backup in the winter. You can even change the grip size to suit your concealment needs.
Limited capacity and difficulty in reloading
It's pretty easy to empty a wheelgun the loud way. Learning to reload a revolver quickly is a chore. Don't expect to walk into your local firearms training center and find a class on snubbie techniques and tactics, either. You'll have to practice diligently and scour the internet for information. Then, you'll have to practice more.
Difficulty in mastering
It's really, really hard to shoot a DA revolver well. Even with a trigger job or a well-worn action, it will never be a trigger pull like that of a Glock or a 1911. The sight radius is also shorter and most of the sub $800 dollar snubbies I've seen lately have plain black fixed-blade front sights and frame-notch rear sights. While these are great for an unimpeded draw, they are less than ideal (unless you're a point-shooter). Paint those front sights orange and practice. A lot. There's an upside to being really proficient with one... you'll be a lot better with your other guns.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Carry systems, Intro
When I talk about a carry system, I'm talking about these things: firearm, backup firearm, ammo, holster, reload(s), belt, illumination, and blade. Individually, there are legal and practical limits to what one can use to fill each of these roles. However, a carry system, in my opinion should include all of the above. Over the next few days, I'll go over the parts of the system and give some points to ponder as well as talk about some of what I learned while training and carrying. Certain parts will apply only to men, but there should be something to ponder for everyone.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Range Report-Taurus 431
That target held the first five rounds out of my unfired BAG day purchase. Michael Bane went on and on about how much he loved the .44 special and I, being the hardheaded SOB that I am, never tried one because surely the 1911 and the .357 snubbie were more than enough for my self defense needs. I'll be honest... I'm completely in love with the gun and the load. By the time I had the new gun warmed up, I looked like a genius in single action and a good combat shot in double action. Once I get 100 or so more rounds through it, I might even carry it. I mean, is there much I'd come across that a 200gr GDHP would fail to take care of?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
BAG Day 2009
I resisted buying a handgun in anything other that .38/.357, 9mm, or .45acp for a very, very long time. With ammo prices such as they are, stocking another caliber was not something my wallet looked forward to. However, I went to the Fun Shop today for my BAG day purchase and I came across this gorgeous Taurus 431 in .44 special. Unfired, in the box, and at a great price. Without exceeding my budget, I was able to get a used JIT slide and 200 rounds of self-defense ammo to boot. Given that I have a truck, this might just be my new ideal truck gun.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
On Open Carrying
I was chatting with Breda for the first time and mentioned that Open Carrying (OC'ing) with a partner was a great idea in the beginning. I'm lucky to live in a state that allows OC'ing for HCP holders. Having both OC'ed and CC'ed, here are my thoughts on OC'ing for the novice.
Don't OC alone
You don't necessarily have to go with another who is openly carrying, but go with another person that has some experience with it. I still consider OC'ing to be slightly risky behavior since it will make you more visible to thugs of the street and the jack-booted variety. The other person will come in handy as both a deterrent and a potential witness.
Don't OC your barbecue gun
OC'ing might get you disarmed. Yes, it's bullshit to be disarmed by an Only One, but it's still a distinct possibility. As such, do NOT take your favorite 1911 if you have a Sigma handy. Trust me, the Only Ones will not treat it with the same care that you do.
Dress appropriately
I'm not talking about a page from the Blackhawk! or 5.11 catalog, either. Ladies, ya'll can get away with murder from what I've seen. Guys, be conservative. A lot of times, sheeple won't even notice the gun if you're not dressed like a conspiracy theorist or a mall ninja.
Plan your trips in the beginning
Try meeting in a relatively safe place. I love to do coffee shops, family-style restaurants, bookstores, and small local clothing stores. Drive straight there, do your business, and go home.
Be as inconspicuous as possible
Yeah, your Roscoe is dangling off your hip. Try and be calm anyway.
If you're not comfortable drawing from a holster that has at least one level of retention, don't OC.
Have your talking points ready
You're likely to have someone ask you if you're a cop. Be prepared to answer them and make your point without being too pissy. My talking points are limited to my state's laws regarding licensing and the basic restrictions. I'm not trying to sell strangers on constitutionalism, I'm merely trying to gain some kind of ally or raise awareness that you don't have to be anything but a citizen in order to carry a weapon.
Be polite
I don't care how nice you normally are. Be nicer when you're OC'ing. We do not want visible firearms to be associated with plainclothes assholes.
Having said all of the above, I think it's a crying shame that I even felt compelled to write it. Such is the state of our country. We're going to have to exercise every right that we don't want to have legislated away from us. Let's just be smart and careful about how we do it.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Guns are pretty....
When I was in grad school and came of handgun ownership age, I found myself wanting a good-looking and functional barbecue gun. Since I was in school and working as a musician and teaching fellow, money was much tighter than it is now. What I found was a used Taurus Model 80 (read as a Model 10 knock-off) that was finished immaculately and fit perfectly inside a Don Hume K-Frame holster. I rarely carried it, but I was proud to wear it to any social function at which openly carrying was acceptable. I still have it, and I still wear it from time to time. It serves as a reminder to me that there was a time in which owning an inexpensive and reliable gun was enough for me...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wanna know why I'm unpopular?
Because I say things like this...
In light of the recent and very public shootings, I have this to offer:
Freedom comes at a cost. That cost is security.
As long as we are a nation of free men and women, things like this will happen. The proper response is to prepare yourself for events like these instead of whining to politicos to "Stop the madness." As long as we are (in my judgment) the kind of Americans that truly cherish freedom, we should accept that there is an inherent danger in it and accept the responsibility for our own personal safety.
In light of the recent and very public shootings, I have this to offer:
Freedom comes at a cost. That cost is security.
As long as we are a nation of free men and women, things like this will happen. The proper response is to prepare yourself for events like these instead of whining to politicos to "Stop the madness." As long as we are (in my judgment) the kind of Americans that truly cherish freedom, we should accept that there is an inherent danger in it and accept the responsibility for our own personal safety.
Monday, April 6, 2009
What else can we legislate to make our world a better place?
Following the logic of banning or restricting use of the tool to prevent the crime.....
Let's see, we can severely restrict car ownership because people might go out and drink to much, which would impair their judgment and allow them to create a dangerous situation for innocent people. That would never work. The government has invested far too much money in the American auto industry for that to work.
We could ban hands, which would keep people like Chris Brown from hitting others. No, that wouldn't work, either.
Oh, I know... We could restrict the use of penises to curtail rape. (warning... bad pun ahead) After all, it's the tool and not the criminal.
I know it's not a crime, but obesity could easily be cured by restricting the use of utensils... After all, if the tools aren't available, the people obsessed with eating couldn't possibly find a way to get food into their mouths, right?
Let's see, we can severely restrict car ownership because people might go out and drink to much, which would impair their judgment and allow them to create a dangerous situation for innocent people. That would never work. The government has invested far too much money in the American auto industry for that to work.
We could ban hands, which would keep people like Chris Brown from hitting others. No, that wouldn't work, either.
Oh, I know... We could restrict the use of penises to curtail rape. (warning... bad pun ahead) After all, it's the tool and not the criminal.
I know it's not a crime, but obesity could easily be cured by restricting the use of utensils... After all, if the tools aren't available, the people obsessed with eating couldn't possibly find a way to get food into their mouths, right?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Revolver Range Day
I took my trusty S&W 640 and the NAA Mini out to the range today for some wheelgun practice and to print some "groups." As always, the 640 was more than adequate for most combat distances with a few cylinders full of full-house .357 loads and a few more of some tame .38sp.
What surprised me most was the accuracy I was able to get with the NAA on my first attempt. With the exception of a few fliers that were obviously my fault, the little revolver was capable of keeping it inside the 8 ring of a silhouette target with all of the high-velocity HPs I put through it. The trick, I found, is to grip the weapon with the thumb and first two fingers of my strong hand while cocking the hammer and pulling the trigger with the thumb and index finger of my weak hand. As small as it might be, it's a real-deal, well made firearm that I'll be happy to keep in my pocket, sock, or belly band as a backup gun.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Let's see if this takes the heat off....
It looks like American civilians and FFLs aren't solely responsible for the arming of Mexican cartels after all.
On the Oakland shootings...
-Lovelle Mixon had been arrested and imprisoned for a gun crime by the age of 20.
-He was out on parole.
-He shot 5 Oakland PD officers. 3 dead, one nearly dead.
-He used a rifle resembling an AK and a handgun.
Follow me, everyone. What we witnessed in Oakland was a tragedy. Without even mentioning the public's reaction at the crime scene, most of us will agree that this shouldn't have happened. What most of us will not agree on is that this is not a legislative failure, but a failure of law enforcement and the prison system. He was a criminal, he was released and not rehabilitated, and there was a failure on the part of law enforcement.
Enforce the laws and stop harassing the gun owners. I'll be off blaming Russia for the weapons problems in California. That kind of shell game seems to be working pretty well for the ruling class in D.C.
-Lovelle Mixon had been arrested and imprisoned for a gun crime by the age of 20.
-He was out on parole.
-He shot 5 Oakland PD officers. 3 dead, one nearly dead.
-He used a rifle resembling an AK and a handgun.
Follow me, everyone. What we witnessed in Oakland was a tragedy. Without even mentioning the public's reaction at the crime scene, most of us will agree that this shouldn't have happened. What most of us will not agree on is that this is not a legislative failure, but a failure of law enforcement and the prison system. He was a criminal, he was released and not rehabilitated, and there was a failure on the part of law enforcement.
Enforce the laws and stop harassing the gun owners. I'll be off blaming Russia for the weapons problems in California. That kind of shell game seems to be working pretty well for the ruling class in D.C.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Budget Weaponlights
I've been neglecting my oldest AR and have taken a lot of parts from it to use in other systems. I detest having a functional and reliable weapon that isn't G2G at any time, so I decided to get a light on it so it will be ready when I need it. Not tricked-out, but ready. A fighting rifle's state of readiness should always include a light.... The light above is a Surefire G2 Nitrolon that I picked up for 30 bucks. The ring is an old Millett low-rise I had in my parts box. Simple, stable, and affordable. Now there's one more rifle that's G2G should I need it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
.223, 9mm, Glock Mags, Holsters, Surefire
I've been in my stockpiling mode for most of this year. Here's what I've found during my shopping trips over the last couple of weeks.
.223 isn't impossible to find, but it's really difficult to find for a decent price. I see a "decent" price as being less than .40/round for good quality brass-cased ammo. I was lucky to have found a couple of private sellers that have switched to AKs and were liquidating their supplies of .223.
9mm must be Austrian for "good luck not getting gouged."
I'm pretty sure it was a fluke, but I found 4 hi-cap factory mags for my G17 for less than 90 bucks in a local shop.
Surefire flashlights are easy to find. Mounts for Picatinny rails aren't so easy.
Leather holsters have not changed at all. It seems like the only segment of the gun market that has not become more expensive.
.223 isn't impossible to find, but it's really difficult to find for a decent price. I see a "decent" price as being less than .40/round for good quality brass-cased ammo. I was lucky to have found a couple of private sellers that have switched to AKs and were liquidating their supplies of .223.
9mm must be Austrian for "good luck not getting gouged."
I'm pretty sure it was a fluke, but I found 4 hi-cap factory mags for my G17 for less than 90 bucks in a local shop.
Surefire flashlights are easy to find. Mounts for Picatinny rails aren't so easy.
Leather holsters have not changed at all. It seems like the only segment of the gun market that has not become more expensive.
Monday, March 16, 2009
This is how we do it...
I haven't taught in a university setting in almost two years. Certain economic forces caused my former employer to find a cheaper alternative to part-time and adjunct faculty members, which was fine by me since I made very little money toward the end of my university career. Since then, I've been able to maintain a relatively healthy and lucrative private teaching studio that I run out of my home. By and large, I try to follow the maxim of "Always carry, never tell." As a result, very few of my students know just how much of a gunnie I am, and that's fine.
A few weeks ago, I was at a local training facility retaking some basic shotgun training. As I came out, I ran into one of my older students as he watched his wife handle a snubbie. Let me set the scene for you...
My student is a black man around the age of 60. He was also a relatively big local player in the Obama campaign. He's well educated, but has also spent the bulk of his adult life in academia. As such, he's about as liberal as anyone I've met.
As I came out of the range and into the shop with my 870 in tow and my Glock 17 on my hip, he registered the kind of surprise I expected.
"Doctor! What are you doing here? What's with all the firepower? Are you expecting an invasion sometime soon?"
"My only expectation is to be prepared in the event one happens... I'm surprised to see you here."
"Well, my wife is thinking about buying a gun and getting her permit. I think she's losing her mind."
"If you're ever interested in talking to someone that carries pretty much all the time, I'd be happy to talk about it with either of you. I know it's tough trusting a stranger with all of your concerns in the beginning."
"What's with the rifle? Is that a rifle?"
"Nope. It's a shotgun. This is what I use to defend my home."
The couple was kind enough to invite me to dinner, and we discussed every manner of firearm, what it was used for, the legalities and costs involved, the Four Rules, and some gun-related politics. I offered to bring an assortment of handguns to the range for them to shoot when this question came up...
"How do you feel about assault weapons?"
I answered them with my normal reply, which is "The tool is rarely the reason for the crime. Anyone with malice in their heart can find a way to kill."
"Do you own any?"
"According to the language in the 1994 AWB, yes. Quite a few, actually."
"What would a person like you need with a machine gun?"
And so it went for the better part of an hour... I explained that "assault weapons" were neither "machine guns" nor military weapons. Yes, they may be similar in appearance, but their function is only slightly similar. I assured them that the government took great pains long ago to make many weapons difficult to obtain and subject to strict controls and taxes. The reason the designs are similar is a testament to the ergonomics and reliability of the military design. By the end of the night, without attacking their beliefs or politics, I had convinced an anti-gun guy to come shoot an evil black rifle and some handguns with me and had convinced his wife to get her carry permit.
This is how we change people's minds. We respect their views, we speak to them calmly, and hope that our reasoning resonates with them.
A few weeks ago, I was at a local training facility retaking some basic shotgun training. As I came out, I ran into one of my older students as he watched his wife handle a snubbie. Let me set the scene for you...
My student is a black man around the age of 60. He was also a relatively big local player in the Obama campaign. He's well educated, but has also spent the bulk of his adult life in academia. As such, he's about as liberal as anyone I've met.
As I came out of the range and into the shop with my 870 in tow and my Glock 17 on my hip, he registered the kind of surprise I expected.
"Doctor! What are you doing here? What's with all the firepower? Are you expecting an invasion sometime soon?"
"My only expectation is to be prepared in the event one happens... I'm surprised to see you here."
"Well, my wife is thinking about buying a gun and getting her permit. I think she's losing her mind."
"If you're ever interested in talking to someone that carries pretty much all the time, I'd be happy to talk about it with either of you. I know it's tough trusting a stranger with all of your concerns in the beginning."
"What's with the rifle? Is that a rifle?"
"Nope. It's a shotgun. This is what I use to defend my home."
The couple was kind enough to invite me to dinner, and we discussed every manner of firearm, what it was used for, the legalities and costs involved, the Four Rules, and some gun-related politics. I offered to bring an assortment of handguns to the range for them to shoot when this question came up...
"How do you feel about assault weapons?"
I answered them with my normal reply, which is "The tool is rarely the reason for the crime. Anyone with malice in their heart can find a way to kill."
"Do you own any?"
"According to the language in the 1994 AWB, yes. Quite a few, actually."
"What would a person like you need with a machine gun?"
And so it went for the better part of an hour... I explained that "assault weapons" were neither "machine guns" nor military weapons. Yes, they may be similar in appearance, but their function is only slightly similar. I assured them that the government took great pains long ago to make many weapons difficult to obtain and subject to strict controls and taxes. The reason the designs are similar is a testament to the ergonomics and reliability of the military design. By the end of the night, without attacking their beliefs or politics, I had convinced an anti-gun guy to come shoot an evil black rifle and some handguns with me and had convinced his wife to get her carry permit.
This is how we change people's minds. We respect their views, we speak to them calmly, and hope that our reasoning resonates with them.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
More Commercial Appeal goodness....
The front page of yesterday's CA had this picture of 9 violent criminals who managed to slip through the TN HCP process by lying on their applications or by virtue of a clerical error.
All I could think of when I saw it was How much Alice has changed....
I'm not sure what the CA is trying to accomplish past using the "criminals carry guns and can get permits, so it should be illegal" fallacy.
All I could think of when I saw it was How much Alice has changed....
I'm not sure what the CA is trying to accomplish past using the "criminals carry guns and can get permits, so it should be illegal" fallacy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
NAA Mini
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ammo Prices
You know ammo prices are getting out of hand when a 50rd box of PMC Bronze in .45acp looks like a steal at $17.99.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The liberal bias in TN
I should warn you, this cartoon is way far off to the left. I'll even fess up to liking some things about the liberal agenda. Let same-sex couples get married and divorced. I'd hate to think that an entire segment of the population is missing out on what it's like to split up your entire world with someone you've come to loathe. Abortion? I'm all for it. However, I have no uterus, so I really don't feel like I have a nickel in that dime. However, the fly-in-the-face-of-the-freaking-facts attitude and the obvious scare tactics employed by this cartoonist leave me speechless.
First, if Fred had a history of mental illness, he could neither purchase a gun nor receive a Handgun Carry Permit in TN. Secondly, not all crazy people have cats. Cats, as we all know, are government spies.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
True beauty...
I was spending a little quality time with a Smith & Wesson 22a, a Ruger 10/22, my snubbie, and my Taurus 1911 at a local indoor range this afternoon. The rifle was there since it's difficult to find a place to really train with a fighting rifle in a metro area as large as mine. The pistols were there because I've been carrying those two hanguns a lot lately. The plinkster was there because every handgunner needs to spend some time with a .22.
I started out with some rifle drills. Using the iron sights, I ran a target out to 25 yards with some 3x5 cards taped to it and practiced my target acquisition. After that, I did a little pure target shooting at 50 yards. The rest of my time was spent running the F.A.S.T. drill from Pistol Training. While I was shooting my 1911, one of the older gents in the next stall asked if my humble (but amazingly accurate and reliable) Taurus was "an old girl." Granted, it has a decent amount of wear from being both carried and shot a lot and some WWII grips on it, but very little else about it says "authentic." I told him about it and let him shoot it, which he really seemed to enjoy. Shortly after, he brought out a real GI with all of the appropriate government markings and a lanyard loop. After that, he showed me a Series 80 Gold Cup. I'm very much in lust for both of those guns (even if I couldn't use the front sight on either one).
I started out with some rifle drills. Using the iron sights, I ran a target out to 25 yards with some 3x5 cards taped to it and practiced my target acquisition. After that, I did a little pure target shooting at 50 yards. The rest of my time was spent running the F.A.S.T. drill from Pistol Training. While I was shooting my 1911, one of the older gents in the next stall asked if my humble (but amazingly accurate and reliable) Taurus was "an old girl." Granted, it has a decent amount of wear from being both carried and shot a lot and some WWII grips on it, but very little else about it says "authentic." I told him about it and let him shoot it, which he really seemed to enjoy. Shortly after, he brought out a real GI with all of the appropriate government markings and a lanyard loop. After that, he showed me a Series 80 Gold Cup. I'm very much in lust for both of those guns (even if I couldn't use the front sight on either one).
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wish List
I would hate to live life without having a handgun, a rifle, and a shotgun. I suggest that anyone remotely interested in defending themselves have at least a handgun and either of the latter. I'm fortunate to have a few of each in plenty of different flavors. For handguns, I have some 1911s, plastic fantastic GLOCKs, some wheelguns, and a couple of .22s for training. As far as rifles, I have 22s, SKSs, an AR, and tons of old Mil-Surp bolt guns. For some reason, I've always had either pump-scatterguns and coach guns (that's a different post entirely).
Knowing that I don't need any more weapons and I should be spending my spare money on ammo, training, and other supplies has not stopped me from compiling a wish list. Here's where it stands for now:
1. Taurus Raging Bull in .44mag
It's a big black gun that shoots big loads and makes a big noise. If I had another gun in .44 I would have already purchased the Taurus because I hate having only one gun in any given caliber.
2. H&R Buffalo Classic in 45-70 gov't
I wanted this as soon as I held it. We don't hunt much buffalo in TN these days, but there are plenty of neighboring states that will let me hunt deer with this during their primitive weapon season. Plus, it's a 45-70, and that's just about as manly as the 7.62x54r.
3. RIA 1911
For the money, these appear to be the best deals going in the 1911 world. I never need a reason to buy another if the money is available.
4. Glock 21
I don't have one yet. I do have a decent stash of .45acp laying around, though.
Honorable mentions to the Marlin model 45 Camp Carbine, any good lever-action carbine in .38/.357, and any single shot in .223.
Knowing that I don't need any more weapons and I should be spending my spare money on ammo, training, and other supplies has not stopped me from compiling a wish list. Here's where it stands for now:
1. Taurus Raging Bull in .44mag
It's a big black gun that shoots big loads and makes a big noise. If I had another gun in .44 I would have already purchased the Taurus because I hate having only one gun in any given caliber.
2. H&R Buffalo Classic in 45-70 gov't
I wanted this as soon as I held it. We don't hunt much buffalo in TN these days, but there are plenty of neighboring states that will let me hunt deer with this during their primitive weapon season. Plus, it's a 45-70, and that's just about as manly as the 7.62x54r.
3. RIA 1911
For the money, these appear to be the best deals going in the 1911 world. I never need a reason to buy another if the money is available.
4. Glock 21
I don't have one yet. I do have a decent stash of .45acp laying around, though.
Honorable mentions to the Marlin model 45 Camp Carbine, any good lever-action carbine in .38/.357, and any single shot in .223.
wow... guns really do kill people. /snark
"Philadelphia Police officer John Pawlowski was not killed by Rasheed Scruggs -- he was killed by the .357 pistol that Scruggs was using. Take away that gun and Scruggs is just another thug with his hands in his pockets. And good-looking family man John Pawlowski might be alive today."
This is from the article titled "Let's get the gun lobby furious." I can't say that I'm feeling as much anger about it as I am exasperation. If you replace the words ".357 pistol" and "gun" with "rock," "bat," "knife," or "car," the argument becomes silly in my judgment.
Robert B. Parker's Spenser and Jesse Stone characters have taught me many things, one of which is that anyone can kill anyone else given the right circumstances.
This is from the article titled "Let's get the gun lobby furious." I can't say that I'm feeling as much anger about it as I am exasperation. If you replace the words ".357 pistol" and "gun" with "rock," "bat," "knife," or "car," the argument becomes silly in my judgment.
Robert B. Parker's Spenser and Jesse Stone characters have taught me many things, one of which is that anyone can kill anyone else given the right circumstances.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ruh Roh...
I just read a story that made my tinfoil helmet fit a little tighter. Seriously, does the Secret Service have any right to request a search of this man's house because a police officer wrongly stops him, misinterprets his sign, and violates his First Amendment(Amen) rights?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
More Commercial Appeal info...
It looks like The Real Gun Guys have done a much better job than I have. Anyone with any common sense should know that pointing out where the guns are is not a good idea when the county's mayor is clamoring for harsher illegal carry sentences.
Problems with too many criminals carrying guns mean there is a demand in the criminal world for guns. Get it? The criminals are the problem.
Problems with too many criminals carrying guns mean there is a demand in the criminal world for guns. Get it? The criminals are the problem.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday roflcopter
I can't believe I just found this....
On Home Defense
My home defense philosophy is pretty simple. If I am at home and awake, I have a handgun on me and a shotgun by my nightstand. If the weather is cold, the chances are good that I'm carrying a Government-sized 1911. During the summer, I have to conceal a little more carefully. For me, that means a J-frame. Once I return home, the snubbie goes in the safe and I get out a 1911 or a Glock 17. Once it is time for sleep, the handguns go into a safe and the only readily available weapon is a shotgun. Usually, it's an 870. I have Benellis, but I've trained for so long with Remingtons that I see no reason to switch. Since we all know how reliable and versatile the 870 platform is, allow me to introduce the newest "beater" 870. It started out life about the same time as I did (e.g. the mid 70s). The stock and internals are all stock. I cut down the barrel and removed the Gawdawful Polychoke, added an old Choate mag extension from the parts box, replaced the mag spring with a Wilson Combat, added a TacStar sidesaddle, and will get about installing the fiber front sight today.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thanks, guys.
Okay, Commercial Appeal. I see what you're doing. I want to thank you for publishing all of the information regarding my handgun carry permit. Really... I do. Allow me to return the favor by publishing some personal and "public" information about your staffers.
Joseph Pepe, President and publisher
3195 Wetherby Cv S
Germantown, TN 38139
Steve Tomb, VP of Operations
1846 Wildcreek Cv
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone Unpublished
Chris Peck, Editor
21 Belleair Dr
Memphis, TN 38104
Otis Sanford, Editor/Opinion & Editorials
3396 Park Ave
Memphis, TN 38111
Phone Unpublished
Eric Janssen, VP of Digital Media
8996 Stratfield Cv
Germantown, TN 38139
901-358-7007, Home
901-212-3597, Cell
Scott Sines, Managing Editor
2136 Wentworth Ln
Germantown, TN 38139
Phone Unpublished
Daniel Moehle, VP/Chief Financial Officer
3172 Devonshire Way
Germantown, TN 38139
Karl Wurzbach, VP of Sales and Marketing
3098 Bentwood Run Dr
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone Unpublished
Robert Jiranek, VP of New Business Development
175 Waring Rd
Memphis, TN 38117
Bob Pinarski, Advertising Director
3961 Herons Landing Ln
Arlington, TN 38002
Denise Holman, Manager of Classified Advertising
720 Litty Ct 103
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone Unpublished
Paul Jewell, Marketing Director
1439 Vance Ave
Memphis, TN 38104
I'll edit as I find out more about criminal backgrounds, property taxes, birthdates, etc... Until then, I have some letters to write.
Joseph Pepe, President and publisher
3195 Wetherby Cv S
Germantown, TN 38139
Steve Tomb, VP of Operations
1846 Wildcreek Cv
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone Unpublished
Chris Peck, Editor
21 Belleair Dr
Memphis, TN 38104
Otis Sanford, Editor/Opinion & Editorials
3396 Park Ave
Memphis, TN 38111
Phone Unpublished
Eric Janssen, VP of Digital Media
8996 Stratfield Cv
Germantown, TN 38139
901-358-7007, Home
901-212-3597, Cell
Scott Sines, Managing Editor
2136 Wentworth Ln
Germantown, TN 38139
Phone Unpublished
Daniel Moehle, VP/Chief Financial Officer
3172 Devonshire Way
Germantown, TN 38139
Karl Wurzbach, VP of Sales and Marketing
3098 Bentwood Run Dr
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone Unpublished
Robert Jiranek, VP of New Business Development
175 Waring Rd
Memphis, TN 38117
Bob Pinarski, Advertising Director
3961 Herons Landing Ln
Arlington, TN 38002
Denise Holman, Manager of Classified Advertising
720 Litty Ct 103
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone Unpublished
Paul Jewell, Marketing Director
1439 Vance Ave
Memphis, TN 38104
I'll edit as I find out more about criminal backgrounds, property taxes, birthdates, etc... Until then, I have some letters to write.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ugh... here we go
I should mention that there is very little likelihood of my state restricting handgun ownership. With the exception of carrying into a location that serves alcohol for on-site consumption or a properly posted business, we can carry pretty much anywhere. Hell, we can even open carry if we wish. However, in an expected but nonetheless asinine ruling, the Second Circuit ruled today that the Second Amendment (Amen) cannot overturn state bans on guns. Let's hope a proper test case makes its way to the top of the docket before the makeup of the SCOTUS changes.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Yes, I'm Metrotactical
I was listening to Breda and Caleb on Gun Nuts radio tonight and finally realized that there's a label for men that prefer to look fashionable while exercising their RKBA: Metrotactical. Being metro offers a host of advantages like an increased element of surprise, better luck with the ladies, and the the lovely look of surprise on the face of of your roomie when he discovers just how well your Government-sized 1911 was hidden. The downside is that shopping becomes even more of a chore than it was before, because you have to take the largest gun you'll try to conceal and your BUG to the mall (which, given the malls in my town, is standard anyway). Shoes that look good must also be tested for grip and support. Belts? That will wind up with its own post soon.
Just be aware that not all gunnies wear cargos, boots, and a team GLOCK shirt. Better yet.... never mind.
Just be aware that not all gunnies wear cargos, boots, and a team GLOCK shirt. Better yet.... never mind.
Around the horn...
Stocks slumped Tuesday, with the Dow industrials ending at a 3-month low, as the government's bank rescue plan failed to reassure investors burned by the 14-month old recession.
Whodathunk that Hope and Change weren't going to go over well on Wall St.? Government-manufactured inflation usually has such a positive impact. Allow me a moment to explain something. The federal government is responsible for regulating commerce, not the economy.
Bad economy forcing immigrants to reconsider U.S.
This is a story about Pablo, a Guatemalan living and working in the US illegally, and his struggle to make ends meet while supporting his family back in Guatemala.
I'm all for lowering the number of illegals in the US. I just hate that this is one of the first truly useful tools we found.
Whodathunk that Hope and Change weren't going to go over well on Wall St.? Government-manufactured inflation usually has such a positive impact. Allow me a moment to explain something. The federal government is responsible for regulating commerce, not the economy.
Bad economy forcing immigrants to reconsider U.S.
This is a story about Pablo, a Guatemalan living and working in the US illegally, and his struggle to make ends meet while supporting his family back in Guatemala.
I'm all for lowering the number of illegals in the US. I just hate that this is one of the first truly useful tools we found.
Gun Shows
The Antis would have you believe that Gun Shows are places that allow deranged lunatics and criminals to walk in off the street and prepare for their next massacre. The more jaded gunnies seem to rattle on about the ratio of jerky and cheap knives to guns, ammo, and accessories. I have to admit that even I, a true Elmer, never understood the allure of them when there were so many good shops in the area.
This all changed after I bought my first SKS. I came to love the everyman appeal of old Commie guns like the SKS and the Mosin. I was taken with the idea of owning a $100 gun that would outlast me. When the time came to add an M44 to my safe, I figured I would try the gun show since I was having a hard time trusting someone in a warehouse to pick out the best one for me. I'm picky about my ugly old guns.
To finance my first Gun Show, I sold one of my .22 handguns to a new shooter so that he could practice with it and use it to introduce his wife to shooting. He decided to meet me at the site and pay me there (after fondling the newer and shinier version of all the guns I let him shoot during our first few visits to the range, no doubt). I told him to keep an eye out for a Mosin-Nagant M44 and any non-express Remington 870. The Remington was destined to be the platform for my first dedicated HD scattergun and the Mosin was destined to be the platform from which I would unleash the two-foot muzzle flash of the über-manly 7.62x54r.
Much to my surprise, my new shooter had located 4 or 5 of each before I had even entered the building. After finding the best from each lot and legally purchasing them sans paperwork, I discovered the true beauty of the event. It wasn't the ability to locate everything on my wishlist (if I recall, I was also looking for original GI grips for my 1911, a muzzle brake for my AR, and some cheap x39 and x54r) and it certainly wasn't the cheerful disposition of the exhibitors. It was the realization that I was in a building surrounded by people that were a lot like me: free, proud gunnies. That day, I vowed to attend a Gun Show at every possible juncture.
This all changed after I bought my first SKS. I came to love the everyman appeal of old Commie guns like the SKS and the Mosin. I was taken with the idea of owning a $100 gun that would outlast me. When the time came to add an M44 to my safe, I figured I would try the gun show since I was having a hard time trusting someone in a warehouse to pick out the best one for me. I'm picky about my ugly old guns.
To finance my first Gun Show, I sold one of my .22 handguns to a new shooter so that he could practice with it and use it to introduce his wife to shooting. He decided to meet me at the site and pay me there (after fondling the newer and shinier version of all the guns I let him shoot during our first few visits to the range, no doubt). I told him to keep an eye out for a Mosin-Nagant M44 and any non-express Remington 870. The Remington was destined to be the platform for my first dedicated HD scattergun and the Mosin was destined to be the platform from which I would unleash the two-foot muzzle flash of the über-manly 7.62x54r.
Much to my surprise, my new shooter had located 4 or 5 of each before I had even entered the building. After finding the best from each lot and legally purchasing them sans paperwork, I discovered the true beauty of the event. It wasn't the ability to locate everything on my wishlist (if I recall, I was also looking for original GI grips for my 1911, a muzzle brake for my AR, and some cheap x39 and x54r) and it certainly wasn't the cheerful disposition of the exhibitors. It was the realization that I was in a building surrounded by people that were a lot like me: free, proud gunnies. That day, I vowed to attend a Gun Show at every possible juncture.
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